Reporting in DrChrono is based on the transaction date, which is the date the charge or payment was added/posted to the patient's appointment. If these dates are changed, forward or backward, figures listed on financial reports can vary, which can be problematic.
For example, imagine a payment is posted to a patient's account on May 10th, but the poster changes the posted date to April 30th. If the office manager had run month-end closing reports for April on May 1st, and then reran them on May 15th, they would show different amounts because of the payment that was posted in May but backdated between the time the reports were run. This feature will eliminate this issue.
Your charges and payments have been set to"lock" at the end of the month, ensuring that your financial reports will remain consistent, irrespective of when you run them.
The following items will "freeze":
- Charges - will reflect the date of the patient's appointment (if the charges were added to the appointment prior to the date of service manually or though an appointment or billing profile.)
- Patient Payments - will reflect the date the payment was added to the patient's appointment.
- Insurance Payments - Manual - will reflect the auto-populated date when the payment was posted (aka created date) to the system.
- Insurance Payments - ERA
- Verified ERA - will reflect the date the payment is automatically posted when the ERA/835 file is received.
- Unposted ERAs - will reflect the date the payment file is verified by an office member and allowed to post to patient appointments.
- Unposted payments on ERAs - (fka Unmatched ERAs) will reflect the date when an office member matches the payment to a patient appointment.