Release Notes for DrChrono Web 2024-12-06

What's new

Payments and RCM

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Carisk Partners payer IDPayer ID E4552 for the City of Burbank through Carisk Partners has been added to the DrChrono system.
 Carisk Partners payer IDPayer ID E4415 for Anchor Claims Management through Carisk Partners has been added to the DrChrono system.
Calculations for Anesthesia CodesThe calculation for the billing of anesthesia codes is Total Units = Base Units + Timed Units + Physical Status Modifier Units. The Base Unit designations from CMS have been updated in the DrChrono system.Formula for anesthesia codes

Practice Management

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New endpoint to provide enable_onpatient_messaging value for the OnPatient appWe identified that OnPatient needed an endpoint to get doctor settings. We created a new endpoint in the onpatient_api app that returns doctor setting information and is behind token authentication and authorization. The doctor's information is only provided to the request if it is for the token’s patient’s doctor.
Audit Log security improvementsTo comply with security risk analysis requirements, we added logging to the Audit Log to see when and what account changes are made when a DrChrono Support, Implementation, Account Management, or Client Success team member accesses your account to resolve a support issue. When your account is accessed, you receive a DrChrono system message in Incoming Messages. Filter the log type by DrChrono Access to view only the DrChrono Access logs.DrChrono Access Logs


Product AreaSummaryDescription
Clinical and RegulatoryLinked billing codes (ICD & CPT) not reflected in the clinical noteA fix has been implemented to ensure that linked billing codes are accurately reflected in the clinical note.
Clinical and RegulatoryFix for clinical note preview 502 gateway timeoutA fix has been implemented to ensure the following: 
When a user opens the clinical note, the default value in the Note Rendering Options dropdown reflects the number of appointments to render, as set in the Vitals Flowsheet screen. This also applies if the user has not manually changed the selected option in the dropdown. If a user overrides the selection in the Note Rendering Options dropdown, the new value is saved for that specific clinical note and remains in effect until the user manually edits the dropdown again. When rendering the clinical note, the PDF displays the vitals based on the option selected in the Note Rendering Options dropdown. Upon opening a clinical note, it no longer defaults to pulling the past 30 appointments, but instead only includes the number of appointments selected in the Note Rendering Options dropdown.
Payments and RCMTransmission of Loop 2310C We fixed an issue in Loop 2310C where information was transmitted when the Send Facility was cleared. Going forward, the information is not transmitted when Send Facility is cleared.
Practice ManagementInventory Management page automatically decreases custom code itemsWe fixed an issue where the Inventory Management page did not automatically decrease custom code items. When you add a custom code to an appointment the Inventory Management page now automatically adjusts the stock as expected.
Practice ManagementeRx request messages in the EHR app mirror the Web applicationWe fixed an issue where the eRx requests in the mobile app did not match those in the web application. The messages in the mobile app now match those in the web application.

Coming soon

SummaryDescriptionKnowledge Base Article
MIPS Provide Patient Access UpdatesThe MIPS Provide Patient Access updates will include:
  • A new OnPatient welcome letter
  • OnPatient opt-out options
  • The ability to connect patient dynamic FHIR API to OnPatient
(2024 MIPS) Provide Patients Electronic Access to Their Health Information

OnPatient Basics

Connect Patient Dynamic FHIR API to OnPatient