Fee Schedule: How to self import your fee schedule

If you have an existing fee schedule in CSV format, it can be uploaded to your DrChrono account.  Here's how:

  1.  Navigate to Billing > Fee Schedule
  2. Select Import From File

  3. The pop-up contains information regarding the required format of the file to be uploaded.

  4. There is also a template that you can use.  The columns must be in the following order: Assignee type (Individual or Specialty), Plan Name, Assignees, Specialties, Office, Insurance Payers, Effective Date, Ineffective Date, Procedure, Type, Custom Description, Price, Allowed, Picklist Category, CPT/HCPCS Modifier, NDC Code, NDC Quantity, NDC Units, Service Code.
    1. If a column does. not apply to you, it can be left blank, but it must be included.
    2. Columns Procedure, Type, and Assignee Type are required to have entries or the file will not import.
    3. The template shows the type of information expected in each column.
    4. Ensure the file you are uploading is a CSV (comma-separated value).

Reverting a file upload

If you need to revert/remove a file that was uploaded, you can do so within the fee schedule feature.

  1. Navigate to Billing > Fee Schedule
  2. Select Import From File
  3. Select the History Tab

  4. Press the Revert button on the line that corresponds to the fee schedule you would like to remove.