Fee Schedule - Overview
DrChrono has updated the fee schedule to include additional fields and functionality that can be customized to adapt to the needs of your practice. Features include:
The ability to have multiple effective fee schedules for specific pro...
Fee Schedule: How to add a new fee schedule
DrChrono has updated the fee schedule to include additional fields and functionality that can be customized to adapt to the needs of your practice. One of the features is the ability to add multiple fee schedules for specific providers, and...
Fee Schedule: How to edit a field in an existing fee schedule
If after creating a fee schedule you need to make an edit to a description, add a modifier, update an NDC code, or price edit, you can do so easily. Navigate to Billing > Fee Schedule Click on the pencil icon on the right side of the scre...
Fee Schedule: How to inactivate an entire fee schedule
DrChrono makes it easy to deactivate an entire fee schedule. The system will allow you to enter both an effective and end date for a specific fee schedule. For claims, the system will respect the dates on your fee schedules, even if the entire fee...
How Do I Set Up a Fee Schedule v1?
Fee Schedule v1 A fee schedule is a listing of what you charge for each of your services. To get started with fee schedules, Navigate to Billing and select Fee Schedule . Press + Add New and choose from the Code Type d...
How to add revenue codes to a fee schedule v1
Hover over Billing in your navigation bar and select Fee Schedule . Make sure you are on the Revenue tab.
3. Select + Add New and choose Revenue from the Code Type dropd...