Printing Patient Receipt and Superbills

DrChrono has two ways you can provide a receipt for payment to your patient; a receipt and a superbill.  Both of these options are available in the calendar view as well as the billing screens.  Each document is the same, no matter where you print it.  


Patient Receipt

   This is a document that lists the patient's name, the amount paid, and the date the payment was made.  It does not describe or specify what the payment is for.

Patient Payment Screen


  1. Navigate to Billing > Patient Payments
  2. The receipt can be generated by pressing on the word "receipt" included in the red box on the right.

Patient Appointment Screen

  1. Navigate to Calendar > Patient Appointment
  2. To accept a patient payment from the appointment window, press the blue plus sign.

  3. The payment screen that opens will allow you to select an email or texted receipt.

Patient Superbill

If the patient wants a more detailed receipt, you can use the Superbill option.  This receipt will include a description of services rendered/products purchased and their respective prices.

Live Claims Feed

  1. Navigate to Billing > Live Claims Feed
  2. Inside of the patient's appointment, select SuperBill.

Patient Appointment Screen

  1. Navigate to Calendar > Patient Appointment > Billing Tab
  2. Select Patient Superbill

Here's a link to a video that will walk you through printing patient superbills.