Adding a subscription membership to a patient's account

Once the subscription/membership plan is established, it can now be added to a patient.  

  1.  Navigate to a patient's chart via Patient > Patient List.
  2. Select the Demographic tab from the list on the left of the screen.
  3. A heading for Patient Payment Plans and Patient Memberships is directly under the balance section.
  4. To add a Subscription/Membership, press + New Payment Plan.

  5. A window will open that will allow you to add existing memberships to the patient's account.  Press the circle next to Selected Membership.

  6.  Next, press on the down arrow next to Select Membership.  This will show you all of the membership/subscription plans set up for your office.
  7. Select the plan that you want to add to this patient's account.  The fields set when the membership was created will populate.

  8. Enter the First Payment Date in the appropriate field.
  9. Press Create Payment Plan once done.
  10. The patient's account will reflect the subscription/membership plan added.

  11. The down arrow to the left of the Creation Date will list all upcoming payment dates and amounts. It will also allow you to exclude the subscription/membership from their patient statement so charges for the subscription/membership plan are kept separate from any other charges they may have with your office.

  12. When a subscription/membership ends, the renewal will be effective the 1st of the following month.