Enhancements | Resolutions | Coming soon
Live support chat is unavailable on payment processing screens
When you try to open live support chat while on a payment processing screen, an error explains its unavailability and directs users to go to a different screen to use chat.
Updated practice group header
The practice group header has been updated with a multiple-user icon. All users with the Provider Dropdown permission turned on see this change.
Invoice label renamed to Service Period in the Usage tab dropdown list
On the Account Settings > Usage tab, we renamed the Invoice label to Service Period next to the service period time frames in the Select Period dropdown list in Current Usage.
Updated HCPCS codes
We added HCPCS codes (effective April 1, 2025) to the DrChrono system. You can add them to your fee schedule and include them on patient claims.
Rendering and billing NPIs on EDI files
When the rendering and billing NPIs differ, the rendering NPI appears on the 837P EDI file in loop 2310C NM1*77 Data element 09 while the billing NPI appears on the 837P file in the loop of 2010AA Segment NM1*85 Data element 09.
View data transmitted on specific claims
The Billing Log now captures the information transmitted to the clearinghouse for professional and institutional claims.
View locked/unlocked completed notes in iPad browsers
We fixed an issue where iPad users could not view locked or unlocked completed notes when they logged in to DrChrono from browsers (Chrome and Safari) and incognito mode (Chrome). You can now load the locked clinical note or preview it.
Free draw improvements
We fixed an issue where the free draw image extended to a new page in clinical notes. The image now remains on a single page.
Coming soon
Chart optimization enhancements
We are thrilled to announce upcoming features designed to streamline your workflow and enhance patient care.
Redesigned patient header
The patient header is now fixed and auto-collapses, making it easier to access key patient information while scrolling. New features include showing gender identity, a copy-to-clipboard function for patient names, and launching the OnPatient access screen directly from the patient header.
Customizable patient chart header
The header can now be customized, allowing you to see the most relevant patient data based on your specialty or role.
Patient chart summary
The new patient summary offers a quick, read-only view of essential patient information, with links to relevant chart sections. Future updates will include additional widgets and making the summary view interactive and customizable.
Patient chart sidebar navigation customization
You can customize the patient chart, based on your specialty or role, by showing, hiding, or reordering tabs
Optimized patient problem list
The problem list provides flexibility and clear visibility into your patients' conditions. You can easily add, edit, or remove problems, ensuring you have up-to-date, comprehensive information on all active health concerns.
Optimized patient allergy list
The allergy list is streamlined to exclude unnecessary codes with an improved Add Allergy feature. The system prevents you from adding non-drug allergies when medication allergies are already listed and blocks duplicate allergen entries.
Knowledge base articles
- Patient Header
- Customize the Patient Chart Header
- Patient Chart Summary
- Patient Chart Sidebar Navigation
- Optimized Patient Problem List
- Optimized Patient Allergy List
Redesigned Dashboard
We are excited to announce the redesigned Dashboard. This enhanced Dashboard will provide you with:
- Easier access to patient charts
- A user-friendly view of appointments for the day
- Improved handoff between front office and clinical staff
- Better visit status tracking
- A step forward toward a more workflow-driven, user-centric dashboard
- Simpler navigation
This feature will gradually roll out on March 24 and be turned on for all users by April 14.
Linked accounts
We are pleased to introduce the new linked accounts feature for providers who manage multiple practice groups.
You can designate a primary account and link additional practice group accounts so you can effortlessly switch between them without needing to log in separately. This enhancement streamlines your workflow and boosts efficiency, ensuring a seamless experience managing multiple practices. To link your accounts, you must create a support case. You will receive notifications once your accounts are linked.
New Settings permissions
We will be offering more flexibility around Settings access.
- Office Settings permission - With this new permission AND the existing Settings permission, you will have access to drchrono.com/offices/
- OnPatient Settings permission - With this new permission AND the existing Settings permission, you will have access to drchrono.com/profile/onpatient
- Custom Fields permission - With this new permission AND the existing Settings permission, you will have access to drchrono.com/custom/
- Account Settings permission - With this new permission AND the existing Settings permission, you will have access to drchrono.com/profile/
No action is needed for users who already have the current Settings permission. You will automatically be granted the new permissions when they are added. Practice administrators will be able to remove the new permission for users who need access removed to any of the new areas without impacting their other page access.
New patient chart ID format
The new patient chart ID format will launch next month as part of the effort to prevent duplicate patient charts. Any new patient chart will use the new format — first two letters of last name + first two letters of first name + 8 random alphanumeric characters. Example: LAFIX60CE29C