Release Notes for DrChrono Web 2025-02-20

What's new

Clinical and Regulatory

Summary Description Knowledge Base Article version To maintain compliance the versioning for the file has been updated to reflect when changes are made that impact the current state of the file format or documentation. 
EHI export file  naming convention updated Exported documents are appended to include an ID number or similar identifier to distinguish the file from others that could have the same file name. Creating a New Request: EHI Export
Pagination added to inactive medication list An update has been implemented to display pagination in the inactive medication list. Note that if you select a checkbox for medications on one page, the selection will not carry over to the next page. Item selections are limited to the current page.
Pagination added to active medication listAn update has been implemented to display pagination in the inactive medication list. Please note that if you select a checkbox for medications on one page, the selection will not carry over to the next page. Item selections are limited to the current page.
EHI export updateWhen there is data present in the chronometer.phonecalllog database table and a user requests a single or practice level export, the Patient folder of the export will now include a .csv file called communication_log.csv.Creating a New Request: EHI Export

Payments and RCM

SummaryDescriptionKnowledge Base Article
Renamed Posted Date to Received Date in Remittance ReportsPosted Date was renamed to Received Date in Remittance Reports to clarify that the Received Date is the date that the ERA was received in our system. Received Date also appears as the column heading in exported reports.Where do I find all my ERAs and EOBs?

Practice Management

SummaryDescriptionKnowledge Base Article
Updated login page imageWe have refreshed the look of our login page with a new, vibrant image that showcases highlighted features when a user logs in. 
Live support chat form moved upThe live support chat form now appears above the footer.
Consent form loads during telehealth visitWe fixed an issue where the consent form failed to load for the patient during a telehealth visit. It now loads as expected.


Product AreaSummaryDescription
Clinical and RegulatoryCollection date printing on labelsA fix has been implemented where the collection date will not be printed on specimen labels of Quest or LabCorp lab orders where the Patient Service Center or Central Order Repository options are selected.
Payments and RCMGenerating bulk patient statementsWe fixed an issue where larger numbers of bulk patient statements requested were not populating in the message center.
Payments and RCMDSM5 codes not reflected on the superbillWe fixed an issue where DSM5 codes were not showing on the patient's superbill.  Going forward, both CPT and DSM5 codes will appear.
PlatformImage upload improvementsWe fixed an issue where images did not appear during image upload when the application used generated credentials. Images now appear when they are uploaded.
Practice ManagementAPI/availability improvementsWe now return valid results when you use only DATE, OFFICE, and EXAM ROOM filters for the API call. Previously when you excluded PROVIDER, you received a 500 error.

Coming soon

SummaryDescription Knowledge Base Article
Adding subscription membership plans to your patient accountsSubscription memberships allow your patients to pay for a set of services and have the system keep track of payments made and the remaining balance. You will also be able to exclude membership plans from monthly patient statements.Setting up Subscription Memberships