The allergy list is streamlined to exclude unnecessary codes with an improved "Add Allergy" feature. The system also prevents users from adding non-drug allergies when medication allergies are already listed, as well as blocks duplicate allergens from being entered.
This article will cover
Active Allergies
Allergies are categorized by type, starting with drug allergies, followed by non-drug allergies, and further organized by severity.
- Displays the number of active allergies beside the header name.
- No known drug allergies (NKDA) check box.
- Pagination tracker at the bottom of the allergy table.
- Allergy- allergy description, type, and RxNorm code.
- Severity - severity level of allergy reaction (i.e. mild).
- Reaction - reaction to allergy (i.e. swelling).
- Notes - additional documentation associated with the allergy.
- Action - edit or delete the allergy.
- Edit (
) - edit the allergy status ( active or inactive), reaction, severity, and notes. Users can cancel or save allergy updates.
- Delete Allergy - a pop-up window will appear to confirm before deleting the allergy. A confirmation window will appear once the allergy has been deleted.
Inactive Allergies
- Displays the number of inactive allergies beside the header name.
- Allergy- allergy description, type, and RxNorm code.
- Severity - severity level of allergy reaction (i.e. mild).
- Reaction - reaction to allergy (i.e. swelling).
- Notes - additional documentation associated with the allergy.
- Reactivate - restore allergy inactive to active status.
- Delete Problem - a pop-up window will appear to confirm before deleting the allergy. A confirmation window will appear once the allergy has been deleted.
Adding Allergies
Red asterisk = required field.
- Allergy Type - specific drug allergy, drug class allergy, or non-drug allergy.
- Specific Drug Allergy - enter drug allergy in the search field.
- Status - select if the allergy is active, or inactive.
- Severity - severity level of allergy reaction (i.e. mild) search field.
- Reaction - reaction to allergy (i.e. swelling) search field.
- Notes - additional documentation associated with the problem.
- Cancel, Save and Add Another or Add Allergy.
Audit Log
- Action - tracks when an allergy was created, edited, or deleted.
- User - the name of the individual that made the change to the allergy.
- Date - date of action.
- Log -documents the specific change to the allergy.
Print List
- Print active or full problem list.