Release Notes for DrChrono Web 2025-03-06

What's new

Payments and RCM

SummaryDescriptionKnowledge Base Article
Viewing data transmitted on a specific claim
The billing log now captures the information transmitted to the clearinghouse for professional and institutional claims.
Viewing billed claim details
Membership Renewal Date
For patients utilizing a subscription membership, if their end date coincides with the end of the month, the effective date of their new renewal will be the first of the following month.
Membership Renewal Date
ERA received dateIf an ERA needs reparsing, the received date will remain the date it was received, not the date it was reparsed.
ERA received date
Insurance Payer Mix ReportThe report has been updated to include additional features and filters.Insurance Payer Mix Report
Frozen charges and charges in the Clinical Note > Billing tabWe fixed an issue when after charges were frozen at the end of the month, they were showing as inactive in the Clinical Note > Billing Tab.
Month End Close

Practice Management

SummaryDescriptionKnowledge Base Article
New DrChrono by EverHealth logo on the login page
The login page has been updated with the new DrChrono by EverHealth logo.

Removed Support PIN password requirement
Providers and staff members no longer have to enter passwords to view their Support PINs or generate new ones.
DrChrono Support Pin


Product AreaSummaryDescriptionKnowledge Base Article
Clinical and RegulatoryFix : chief complaint does not save
A fix has been implemented to address an issue where the Chief Complaint was not fully saved, despite the popup displaying "Note Saved." The Chief Complaint now saves correctly and is reflected both in the preview note and the clinical template.

Clinical and Regulatory
Unable to view full clinical notes via OnPatient
A fix has been implemented to ensure that all clinical notes are accessible in OnPatient in a dedicated section—provided the provider has set a form type for the form with the Clinical Form Management feature. Persistent forms will no longer automatically populate within the "Assessment" section within the CCDA file. A form type must be set for the form's generated text within the rendered clinical note PDF to appear within the CCDA file.
Health Profile in OnPatient
Payments and RCMLocation of the Custom Membership Page
The Custom Membership page has been relocated to Account > Custom Fields.
Custom Memberships
Payments and RCM
Anesthesia Code Calculations
For any appointment billed before March 12, 2025, and the claim is being rebilled, a pop-up will appear asking if you want to keep the anesthesia code pricing according to the prior or new logic. For any appointment billed before March 12, 2025, and the claim is being rebilled, a pop-up will appear asking if you want to keep the anesthesia code pricing according to the prior or new logic.
Anesthesia Code Calculations
Payments and RCM
We have updated the ERA 835 view to include the Insurance Claim number, Provider Adjustment amount, and Tax ID number.

ERA 835 view
Practice ManagementDocument loading improvements
We fixed an issue where the Documents page experienced high load times and potential timeout errors when there were numerous patient documents. Providers no longer wait for each document to load before interacting with the page.

Practice Management
Accurate unread message counts for staff members
We fixed an issue where when Share among all providers in the PG is selected in the Share Communications dropdown in PG Settings and the staff member has the Access to Message Center permissions turned on, but Access to all messages in the PG turned off, unread message counts for staff were incorrect. Unread message counts are now correct for staff members.