Utilization Analysis: Details Tab

The Details tab on the Utilization Analysis Report will give you the details that match the parameters set on the Summary tab page.

If you press on any of the column header titles, additional options will appear.  They include:

  1. Sorting the columns a - z or z-a
  2. Freezing the current column so that when scrolling, the column is still visible
  3. Freeze up to this column so the current column and all to the left of it will remain visible while scrolling

You also can export the file into a CSV  or MS Excel file.  The options will appear by hovering over the top right corner of the report.  You can:

  1. Maximize the screen by selecting the diagonal arrows
  2. Sort the visual by any column in ascending or descending order by selecting the up and down arrows
  3. Export the report by selecting the three vertical dots and choosing CSV or Excel