Getting started with our APIs via Postman

We will review connecting with DrChrono's APIs using Postman. Before we start download Postman here: 

If you have not set up an API application in your account, please review our article, "DrChrono API Application". A complete Postman collection of our APIs is at the bottom of this page.


[If you are using our DrChrono Postman Collection skip to the Authorization tab from the collection's overview screen. Fill out the configure token section using the table below]

Let's begin by opening Postman and creating a collection. Navigate to the left-hand side of the page and select "Create Collection".

Once the collection is created, navigate to the tabs from the collection's overview screen. Select the "Authorization" tab, and choose "OAUTH 2.0" from the "Auth Type" dropdown box.

Under the "Configure New Token" section, please fill out the following:

Token NameThis can be anything. EX: Token A
Grant TypeLeave as is
Callback URL

[This should match the 'Redirect URIs' box from the DrChrono API page. Found in Account > API.]

Auth URL
Access Token URL
Client IDFrom the DrChrono API Page
Client SecretFrom the DrChrono API Page
Scopelabs:read labs:write messages:read messages:write patients:read patients:write patients:summary:read patients:summary:write settings:read settings:write tasks:read tasks:write user:read user:write billing:patient-payment:read billing:patient-payment:write billing:read billing:write calendar:read calendar:write clinical:read clinical:write
StateLeave as is
Client Authentication

Leave as is

Once everything is filled, select the orange button at the bottom of the page - "Get New Access Token".

You will be redirected to a prompt box to sign into DrChrono and then redirected to another screen to authorize the "Authorize"

Congratulations! You received Access and Refresh Tokens. Select "Use Token" to set the access token to your collection.


First API Request

The first call will be to our USERS API endpoint, specifically This endpoint will provide the connected DrChrono API user. 


Alternative Configuration:

Instead of creating a collection, you can configure a connection from the request level.

To start, select the "New" or "+" button. If you select "New" you will be prompted to choose a specific method, select HTTP. If you select the "+" icon, Postman will automatically create a new HTTP request.

From the new request, navigate to the Authorization tab and configure the new token then select "Get New Access Token".

Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 10.30.37 AM.png

Refresh Method

This method will help automate the process of grabbing new access tokens. The access token has an expiration time of 48 hours. The refresh token does not expire, the refresh token only invalidates if you go through the OAuth process again with the same DrChrono user or utilize the /o/revoke_token endpoint. 

Here is a Python snippet depicting the refresh method.

import requests

url = ""

payload = 'client_id=1234&client_secret=1234&grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=1234'
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)



Let's also take a look at this in Postman. (To note, authorization can be set to 'No Auth' since we are grabbing a new bearer token.)


I hope this information was useful! If you have any questions please reach out to


DrChrono Postman Collection

DrChrono API Collection.postman_collection.json