Relevant to exports requested AFTER 2/19/2025
This Reference Guide outlines the ability for DrChrono EHR clients to perform an electronic health information (EHI) export as described in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) § 170.315(b)(10)(i)(A) for a single patient, and as described in CFR § 170.315(b)(10)(ii) for a patient population. The data export computable format utilized is a Comma Separated Values file (.csv) and includes this publicly accessible hyperlink to access the DrChrono EHI export.csv schema.
It should be noted that this documentation reflects the broader product data availability while data for specific organizations may differ based on the practice use case and subscription to optional services available to DrChrono clients. Additionally, the potential for custom development or other ancillary data elements not generally available to DrChrono clients may impact the exported data for some clients.
The data element headers provide common industry categorization of data files for ease of use. Each data element outlined will contain the following data components to assist third party vendors with mapping the EHI exported data to their respective systems: the EHI Data File Name, Data Fields within the file and Data field descriptions where necessary. These files contain valuable data in .csv format, and this documentation will help technical teams understand the structure, naming conventions, and other essential details for consuming the data provided.
File Naming Convention for Exported Data
All data export files follow a consistent naming convention:
Prefix: Filename that relates to data type being exported
Extension: .csv
Example: `allergy.csv`
Data Export File Processing Time, and Delivery Options
The processing time and delivery options will vary depending on the type of export being requested. Single patient exports are produced by authorized system users via the DrChrono EHR user interface and are processed in real time. The delivery:
├── <export_id>/
│ ├── doctors/
│ │ ├── doctors.csv
│ │ ├── payments.csv
│ │ ├── exported_documents/
│ │ │ ├── consent_form_files/
│ │ │ └── doctor_message_files/
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── patients/
│ │ ├── demographics.csv
│ │ ├── appointments.csv
│ │ ├── exported_documents/
│ │ │ ├── patient_message_files/
│ │ │ └── clinical_note_files/
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── practice_group/
│ │ ├── lab_quest_cd_order_code.csv
│ │ └── ...
│ └── README.txt
File Structure
Our exports will be in .csv format compiled into a zip file. The drchrono_data_export folder is the product of the data export. It defines a structured approach for exporting data into a hierarchical folder directory. Each exported item is organized into specific folders and subfolders, with a focus on maintainability and easy access. Here's a breakdown of the likely structure of the exported directory and its files:
Base Folder
Note: For practice level EHI Exports, DrChrono exports 50 patients at a time. As a result, you will receive a set of CSV files per each 50 patients. The CSV files will display numerically with # (e.g. additional_responsible_party_1). See screenshot below.

Named drchrono_data_export.
Each export operation creates a new subfolder within this base folder, named using a unique export ID (uuid4.hex).
Subfolders for Different Exporters
Each exporter (like DoctorExporter, PatientExporter, etc.) creates its own subfolder within the base folder. The name of the subfolder corresponds to the type of data being exported (e.g., "doctors", "patients"). For instance:
Folder Name: "doctors"
Contains CSV files related to doctors, such as basic doctor information, payment details, and consent forms.
Folder Name: "patients"
Contains CSV files for patient-related data like demographics, appointments, lab results, etc.
Folder Name: "practice_group"
Contains CSV files related to practice groups, lab order codes, etc.
For models that involve file exports (like DirectMessageAttachment or PatientMessageAttachment)
Named "Media", followed by subfolders (e.g., "clinical/2024/08/<filename>.<extension>”).
Contains the actual files exported from the database.
Logs and Auxiliary Files
Each exporter might generate logs or additional files, such as error logs for files that couldn't be exported.
For instance, a "logs.txt" file in the documents' export folders records errors encountered during file exports.
README.txt File
Located in the base folder.
Contains information about the export operation, like the version of the export and links to documentation.
Data Export Process
The data export process varies depending on the type of data export being requested and would be processed as follows:
Single Patient Export Request
The data export files are generated through a real time data export process when requested for a single patient. This process involves the following steps:
Request is initiated by Provider with correct permission enabled.
Data is extracted from the source system(s).
- Data is transformed into the .CSV format.
- CSV files are written to the designated export directory.
- Provider completes download request from the DrChrono user interface
Bulk Patient Export Request
The data export files are generated through a scheduled data export process when requested for all patients. This process involves the following steps:
- Request is initiated by a Provider with correct permissions by completing a request form
- Data is extracted from the source system(s).
- Data is transformed into the .CSV format.
- .CSV files are written to the designated export directory.
- Provider completes download request from the DrChrono user interface
Security and Access Control
To access an EHI Export for Single or All Patients the requestor must have a DrChrono username and password. The files cannot be requested nor downloaded without the correct permission enabled within the DrChrono account settings.
Data Elements
Our EHI export data categories, file export names, fields and descriptions are as follows in Doctor Exporter, PracticeGroupExporter, Patient Exporter, and Media exporter.
Data exports are provided by export name and provided in .CSV data structure, each representing a record for distinct patient notated with the referenced patient_id. This structure is the same whether exporting a single patient or all patients. Data exports and fields are defined to make understanding the data easier, however, you can utilize the following Glossary for further explanation of the data is necessary:
Doctor Exporter
This folder is exported in both single patient and practice EHI Export files. For the single patient EHI Export, only the doctors file is included. All files listed below are included in the practice EHI Export.
· CustomVitalType
: Custom vital types defined by doctors.
· Doctors
: Basic doctor information.
· EducationResource
: Educational resources data.
· MUSyndromicSurveillanceLog
: Log details for syndromic surveillance.
· Offices
: Office information associated with doctors.
· PatientImportCCDAFile
: Information about CCDA files imported by doctors.
· SoapNoteCustomReport
: Custom reports for SOAP notes.
· SoapNoteLineItemFieldType
: Field types for line items in SOAP notes.
This folder is only included in both the single and practice EHI Export.
· clinical
: Clinical documents and uploaded patient documents.
· dr_message_attachment
Patient doctor message files.
· hipaa_forms
Practice consent form templates information.
· education
: Custom patient education resources files for the practice.
· message_attachment
: Patient DIRECT secure message attachment files.
· patient_import
: Imported patient CCDA XML files.
· inbound_faxes
: Patient inbound referral files.
· LabOrderDocumentFiles
: Patient lab order document PDF files.
· referrals
: Patient outbound referral files.
Practice Group Exporter
This folder is only included in the practice EHI Export.
· LabQuestCDCOrderCode
, LabQuestCDCOrderCodeAOE
: Lab order codes.
· PracticeGroup
: Information about practice groups.
Patient Exporter
The patient folder is included in both the single patient and practice EHI Exports.
· AdditionalResponsibleParty
, ResponsiblePartyAddress
: Addresses and additional contact information for responsible parties.
· Allergies
, AllergySnomedCodeMapping
: Patient allergy information.
· Appointments
: Patient appointment details.
· AutoAccidentInsurance
, PrimaryHospitalInsurance
, WorkerCompInsurance
: Auto Accident, Primary Hospital and Workman's Comp. patient insurance information.
· CarePlan
, CarePlanAuthor
: Care plans and their authors.
· CareTeamMember
: Members of the care team.
· CaseReportEncounters
: Patient encounters with an eligible case report and their data.
· Claims
: Patient claims data.
· ClinicalDecisionSupportRule
, PatientSpecificActions
: Clinical Decision Support Rules and CDS actions taken for a patient.
· ClinicalList
: Imported CCDA clinical information reconciliation data.
· ClinicalNoteArchives
, ClinicalNotes
, CustomClinicalNoteSections
, NoteSectionComments
, SoapNoteLineItemFieldValue
: Clinical notes and related details.
· ClinicalObservation
, ClinicalObservationSnomedDetails
, FamilyHistory
, Person
, Relationship
: Patient family history clinical observations and related personal details.
· ConsentFormAssignments
, ConsentFormSignatureAuditLogs
, ConsentFormSignatures
: Patient consent form assignments, signature audit logs and signature data.
· CommunicationLog
: Communication log on patient chart.
· CustomVitalValue
, SystemVitals
, SystemVitalsAuthor
: Custom and system vitals information.
· Demographics
: Basic patient demographic information.
· DirectMessage
, DirectMessageAttachment
: Information related to direct messages and their attachments.
· DoctorMessage
, DoctorMessageLog
: Doctor messages and logs.
· EducationResourceRecommendation
: Recommendations for educational resources.
· FunctionalStatus
, FunctionalStatusAuthor
: Assessments of functional status data.
· HistoryMessage
: History messages.
· ImplantableDeviceAuthors
, ImplantableDevices
, PatientDeviceOrder
: Information about patient devices and implantable devices.
· InboundReferrals
, OutboundReferrals
: Inbound and outbound referral information.
· InsuranceAuthorization
: Insurance authorizations for patients.
· IzPatientDemographic
, PatientVaccinationRecord
, PatientVaccineRecordDoses
: Patient immunization data.
· LabOrder
, LabOrderDocument
, LabOrderICD10Codes
: Lab order data and requisition documents.
· LabResult
, LabResultAuthor
, PatientLabResultSet
: Lab results and their authors.
· MentalStatusAuthor
, MentalStatus
: Assessments of mental status data.
· MUPatientEducationLog
: Logs for patient education.
· OutgoingPatientMessageStatus
: Statuses of outgoing patient messages.
· PatientCostEstimator
: Good Faith Estimates for patients.
· PatientDrug
, Prescription
, PrescriptionMessage
: Patient medication history and prescription information.
· PatientFlags
: Patient associated flags data.
· PatientImagingOrder
: Imaging orders for patients.
· PatientMessage
, PatientMessageAttachment
: Patient messages and attachments.
· PaymentsInsurance
, PaymentsPatient
: Patient and insurance payment data.
· Problems
: Patient problem list data.
· SocialHistory
, SocialHistoryAuthor
: Patient social history data.