To ensure your Prescription Measures are accurately reflected for the office(s) you have selected for reporting, you will need to associate the authorized prescribers with the offices.
Each SureScripts provider ID is associated with a specific address. Because of how offices are configured in DrChrono, this process is not automatic. For MIPS reporting, you need to associate the providers and offices manually. This article will walk you through the process.
To do so, go to Account > Offices.
Select Edit next to the office you need to add prescriber information for.
Next, select the Providers tab and then select the providers who prescribe from this office and Save.
The MIPS Dashboard can support multiple 10 reporting, which is based on the office setup.
The Tax ID # for each office will need to be set up accordingly.
Lastly, select the SPI number and address for the provider for this location and Save. If you have multiple offices and need help determining which SPI number is associated with which office, please reach out to our support team. Repeat for other offices.