My DrChrono Account


What to do with my DrChrono account if I've sold my practice?
If you've sold your account and would like your DrChrono account and all of your patient information to transfer to another provider, please contact your account manager for assistance. As the owner of the practice, you are responsibl...
New to DrChrono? Read here about Getting Set Up
Welcome to the wonderful world of DrChrono! So you’ve taken the plunge, signed up for an account, and are rearin’ to go with a world-class EHR! What do you do next? Easy! We’ve put together a few necessary steps to get you more acquainted wi...
A provider has left our practice midterm. What steps do I take?
If you have a provider who leaves in the middle of the contract term, there are steps you will need to take to limit the access of the provider who left. Charges The charges for the provider license will remain on your account unt...
Logging into DrChrono Web and iPad
Learn about logging into DrChrono from the web or mobile app.
Secure Sign Up Using reCAPTCHA
Previously, our sign-up system allowed clients to sign up without verifying an email address or going through a captcha check, which could allow malicious agents to create limitless free accounts that end up draining resources on the platform. W...
How to Search for a Patient-Web & iPad
From the web, the easiest way to search for a Patient is using the search bar , which is at the top of your DrChrono account anywhere you go. All you need to do is simply start typing the patient's name and select it from the list. This will take y...
Turning On and Turning Off Your Sample Data
The Sample Data option in DrChrono is a great way to familiarize yourself with the DrChrono EHR before adding actual patient data. It is designed to be turned on so you can practice and learn the DrChrono platform and turn off and remove the d...
How do I add a provider to my account?
To begin the process of adding a provider, initiate contact by submitting a support ticket . Note : Provider accounts are created differently from staff accounts. Therefore, please do not create a staff account or a trial...
What versions/generations of iPad and iPhone are supported by DrChrono?
Supported iOS Devices in DrChrono DrChrono currently supports all Apple hardware running iOS versions 14 and later and all compatible devices. Apple does not support all devices in each iOS release and will periodically discontinue support f...
Why use DrChrono's API?
DrChrono's API allows developers to easily build software to interface with our website, iPad, and iPhone-based EHR platform. Create new ways to interact with medical professionals, patients, and stakeholders in the healthcare industry. How to...
Student Education FAQ
Are you or someone you know interested in DrChrono’s educational offerings? We believe that the future of healthcare lies in the hands of today's students. DrChrono provides free access with ease to students anytime, anywhere. Question : Where do...
Why use DrChrono billing?
DrChrono's billing will give you remarkable savings on your employee cost and provide worry-free billing services you can rely on. When on DrChrono's Apollo Plus plan you have the added bonus of working with our expert team of nationally certif...
How do I backup all of my information within DrChrono?
DrChrono offers a number of ways to back up your information. You can learn how to export your patient demographics by going here . There are a lot of other things that you can export and you will learn through this article. Additional Pati...
Removing One Provider and Adding Another
Learn more about removing one provider and adding another.
How do I delete/remove a provider from my account?
In order to remove a provider from your account, you will need to work with your account manager to complete this process. Please reach out to your account manager or submit a support ticket to remove the provider. If you do not rememb...
My account is on a Read-Only or Billing Work-down plan.  What information do I have access to? 
My account is on a Read-Only plan. What information do I have access to? Please contact your account manager about pricing for the Read-Only plan. 24/7 DrChrono login access with full account access to view all patient records, medical...