eRx (Non-controlled Substances)


How to prescribe for eRx Supervising Providers with Multiple Locations (web)
Learn more about prescribing for eRx Supervising Providers with Multiple Locations (web).
Diagnosis Codes in Rx (ONC Changes)
DrChrono will support Dx codes specifically in reference to the Dx codes that are active for a patient. This update will also remove inactive Dx codes from RxRequests that we receive back from the pharmacy such as, Renewals and Changes. Howeve...
RxFill Message (ONC Update)
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) is a staff division of the Office of the Secretary, within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. RxFill is a message type that Surescripts provides to hel...
Rx Change Requests
RxChange is a new requirement for Surescripts certification that allows pharmacies to contact prescribers regarding the following 3 general scenarios: Prior Authorization Prescriber Authorization Rx Substitutions RxC...
Prescribing Medications via DrChrono's Web App
In DrChrono, you can prescribe medications electronically. To do so, you'll need to have eRx set up. If you haven't done that yet, please visit our guide located here . Navigating to the eRx Page To begin prescribing, open up a p...
Canceling a Prescription in the Prescription Logs
If you send 3 copies of a prescription with effective dates 30 days apart to equal a 90-day supply, those prescriptions will be available for cancellation or discontinuation in the Prescription Log section of the patient’s chart. ...
Canceling a Prescription
You can easily cancel or discontinue prescriptions originally sent out of DrChrono. This feature saves time by allowing you to cancel medications electronically instead of having to call the pharmacy. It also reduces redundant renewal processes a...
Changing a medication to an inactive status
There can be several reasons why a patient discontinues their medication(s). Some examples may include, the patient notifying the provider that they have stopped or the provider may determination. In any case, discontinuation of medication should ...
How do I send multiple eRx orders at the same time from the patient chart?
Providers can now improve their workflow by sending multiple eRx at once when in a patient's chart. Note: Before sending a prescription, please ensure you have the patient's complete address, date of birth, and gender recorded in the patien...