Insurance Credit Card Payments


Insurance Credit Card Payments: What are they?
Insurance Credit Card payments also referred to as Virtual Credit Cards (VCCs), are used by some payers to reimburse providers for services provided to insured patients. These credit cards replace a paper check, or EFT (electronic fund...
Insurance Credit Card Payments: Do I have to accept it?
According to the statement linked below from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), no, you can request that the payer send the payment due via paper check or set up an electronic funds transfer (EFT). The payer must ...
Insurance Credit Card Payments: How do I process it?
   If you receive a credit card (aka Virtual Credit Card) from a health insurance payer for reimbursement for services rendered to your patients, DrChrono has an easy way to post the payment and attach the associated ERA. *** Please note,...
Insurance Credit Card Payments: How do I attach an ERA?
You can attach the ERA file or the scanned EOB to your DrChrono account for easy retrieval later.  Navigate to Billing > Insurance Credit Card Payments .  Press + Attach ERA/EOB There are two selections to retrieve the file to atta...
Insurance Credit Cards: Can I refund or send back the money via the virtual card?
   If you need to refund a payment received via credit card (aka Virtual Credit Card) from a health insurance payer, you can easily refund it to the virtual card from within your DrChrono account. *** Please note, that this feature wil...