Copy Previous Clinical Note from a Persistent Form
Learn more about copying a previous note from a persistent form.
Clinical Notes Auto Save Indicator
Understanding the function of the auto-save indicator.
Using the Copy Diagnostics to Clipboard Function
Steps to use the copy diagnostics to clipboard function.
Reordering procedure and diagnosis codes within the clinical note
Now within the clinical note, you are able to rearrange ICD-10 diagnosis codes, CPT, HCPCS and custom codes in any order you'd like. It's located on the billing tab within the clinical note.
ICD-10 Codes
Hover over the hamburg...
The Many Ways You Can Start Charting
We want to make it easy for our providers to start charting a patient's clinical note so we've put it in multiple places so you don't have to navigate away from pages to start charting.
Here's how you can start charting through DrChrono:
Adding an Amendment to a Patient's Chart
If needed, you can add amendments to locked clinical notes. If you've already signed and locked a note, this is an option, if you have to make changes or additions. Through the amendment option, you can indicate any changes to the patient's note ...
Recording Vitals and How the Data is Displayed (Web & iPad)
On the Web
1. Click on a patient's appointment and select the Vitals tab at the top of the appointment screen. You can enter the vitals information in the column for the current visit.
2. You can view the vitals data in a PDF or...
Use Print Section to Print a Work/School Excuse Form
DrChrono's Print Section feature in the clinical note allows you to print only one template or form from the whole clinical note. One example of this feature is for printing letters. Print Section can be used on DrChrono's EHR Web, iPad, an...
How to Bulk Lock Clinical Notes
DrChrono has implemented a feature to save you time by allowing clinical notes to be locked in bulk, instead of individually. If you would like this feature turned on, please reach out to your account manager or support . 1. Hover the curs...
Pediatric Growth Charts
Growth Charts v2 (Percentile)
A growth chart can give providers/parents a general picture of how a child is developing physically. By comparing a child’s measurements – weight, length, and head circumference – to those o...
Charting By Exception
Charting by exception allows providers to quickly include pre-filled information while charting. By saving time with charting by exception, you gain it back to spend with your patient.
This functionality is available on each form builder field e...
How does a supervising provider sign off on a rendering provider's clinical note?
Supervising Providers and Rendering Providers in DrChrono.
The ability to have a supervising provider sign off on a rendering provider's clinical notes must be turned on by the DrChrono team. If you are interested in having this feature turned on...
How do I print out all medical records for a patient?
If you need to print out all of the clinical notes for a patient, you can easily do so in from the Clinical Notes menu in your account.
1. Please hover your cursor over Clinical and click on Clinical Notes .
How to Search for a Clinical Note
You may access the Clinical Report Tool to search through your clinical notes, for example, if you want to search for clinical notes that need to be locked.
The Clinical Report Tool will allow you to search for clinical notes by:
Accessing Patient Documents when Charting on the Web
If you are within a patient's clinical note and need to access their documents, all you have to do is click on the Quick History button.
From the Clinical Note click on the Quick History button at the top right corner.
Add an amendment to a clinical note
What happens when you sign and lock a clinical note, but you need to make an adjustment or add information without unlocking it? You can easily add any adjustments or changes through amendments. Amendments are added to the end of the clinical note. ...
How do I unlock a clinical note?
A clinical note can be unlocked by following the below steps.
1. Navigate to Clinical > Clinical Notes .
Note: You can also open a clinical note through the appointment window or the appointments section of a pat...
I can't find my patient's clinical note!
If you are unable to find your patient's clinical note, the most likely scenario is that the associated appointment was deleted and therefore the clinical note attached to that appointment was also deleted.
To verify that this was the cause fo...
Copying a Previous Note (Web)
Learn more about copying a previous note (web)
Printing and Downloading Your Clinical Notes
You can print all of the clinical notes for a particular patient or group of patients based on criteria available in the Clinical Notes section of the software.
Follow the steps below to generate a message in your Message Center with the clinical ...
How do I lock a clinical note?
With DrChrono you can electronically sign a note when the note is locked. Clinical notes are rendered in PDF format. There are several ways to navigate to the clinical note in order to sign and lock the document.
The most common ways to...
FAQ- Copy Previous Clinical Note from a Persistent Form New
Learn more about FAQ to copy a previous note from a persistent form.