Billing Codes


DSM-5 Codes
The DSM-5 TR, or the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition, Text Revision, serves as a fundamental reference tool for mental health professionals, offering comprehensive diagnostic criteria and terminology for va...
Getting Started with Billing Acronyms
Medical Billing (also known as RCM- Revenue Cycle Management) uses an alphabet soup of acronyms. Let's start by defining the codes used to build and bill medical claims. CPT - Current Procedural Terminology - codes used to report...
Is There a Dictionary to Search for CPT, HCPCS, and ICD-10 codes?
All of the billing codes (CPT/HCPCS/ICD-10) and custom codes are searchable in DrChrono.  You can easily search these codes by following the steps outlined below: Hover over Billing and select Code Search. The Code Search screen will allow...
What is an NDC and Why Do I Need To Include It?
NDC is an industry acronym that stands for National Drug Code . It is a unique 10-digit code that is universal for human drugs in the United States and is present on all drug packages in the United States. Payers require this informatio...
What should I do if the ICD-10 code I use is flagged as 'Removed'?
ICD-10 codes are routinely updated, revised, and sometimes, discontinued by the American Medical Association (AMA). If one is discontinued, it will be based on the service date. For example, if you are using ICD-10 N18.3 for a patient...
Editing ICD-10, CPT, or HCPCS Code Descriptions
You can add custom descriptions to ICD-10, CPT, and HCPCS codes listed in DrChrono to use a more common language or preferred terms for your office by utilizing a Billing Pick List . The picklist is made up of codes added to your fee s...
How to create a Custom CPT/HCPCS/ICD-10 that can be billed to the patient's insurance.
 Should you need to bill a CPT/HCPCS/ICD-10 that is not available in DrChrono, you can add it manually.  For CPT codes, you will need the code and its associated long, medium, and short descriptors. For HCPCS codes, you will need ...
Questions about modifier 25?
Do you have questions about the proper use of modifier 25? The American Medical Association (AMA) has recently released an article to assist. AMA article on modifier 25 ...
Deleted CPT Codes
From time to time, the American Medical Association (AMA) makes changes to CPT codes, including deleting CPT codes entirely. Deleting a code is effective from that date of service forward.  For any previous dates of service where the code is ac...