Electronic Remittance Advice (ERAs)


Manually uploading ERAs
In DrChrono, you have the option of manually uploading ERAs, if for some reason it doesn't come through your clearinghouse automatically. Navigate to Billing > Remittance Reports .   Select Upload ERA Five plain text files ca...
Sorting of ERA/Remittance Report Files
   While working through your ERA or Remittance Report Files, reviewing them in the order in which they were posted is helpful.  This way a simple scroll can lead you to the exact remit you want. All of your ERAs are located under Billing...
How does DrChrono handle duplicate ERAs?
  Sometimes, a payer will send two of the same ERA/835 files to a provider's account.   When these files are received into DrChrono, they will both be listed under Billing > Remittance Reports with an unmatched flag.  Only one file will be p...
How to manually upload an ERA
While many of your ERAs (835 file or electronic remittance advice) will flow seamlessly from the payer, through the clearinghouse, and into your DrChrono account, there may be an instance when you may need to manually upload an ERA into your...
Can I Share ERAs with my Previous Biller?
Yes, all of the ERAs transmitted to our system are tracked under the Remittance Report section; you can download them and share them with your previous biller if needed. Navigate to Billing > Remittance Reports Select the ERA you would like t...
What are Unmatched ERAs?
When ERAs are received into DrChrono from the clearinghouse, they are validated against the appointment before posting. If the match is found, the payment will automatically be posted. If there is no match found (whether the patient o...
Video: Unmatched ERAs
Do you have payments that the system could not match or post? Find them under Unmatched ERAs. Check out this video to identify and rectify the unmatched payments. Here is a link to an article that will walk you thr...
Optional columns in the Remittance Report Screen
Within the Remittance Report screen, a user can view or hide certain columns. These include the ERA Paid, Adjusted, and Patient Responsibility columns. ERA Paid - the amount posted in the account that matches the trace number.  This amount ...
Printing a full or partial ERA
DrChrono now has the ability to print a partial (single claim) or the entire ERA (all claims included on the ERA). Navigate to Billing > Remittance Reports Select the ERA that contains the single claim or the entire ERA you would like to p...