

MIPSpro by Healthmonix
MIPSpro by Healthmonix has been a CMS-qualified registry since 2009. They validate participant’s data based upon years of experience and current reporting rules, ensuring you can report MIPS with confidence. The integration provides real-tim...
Entering Data into DrChrono to Sync with Healthmonix MIPSpro (Video)
This video tutorial will guide you through the process of entering information into DrChrono to sync data with your Healthmonix MIPSpro account. The video shows you where to enter data with an example measure and some shortcuts to make entering co...
Healthmonix MIPSpro Procodes
Healthmonix MIPSpro created PROcodes to document quality actions or eligibility criteria that do have codes assigned by CMS. PROcodes give you the ability to indicate if a certain eligibility criterion was met or if certain actions were met or not ...
How can I report on other measures with Healthmonix?
Healthmonix MIPSpro features other measures beyond the measures supported by DrChrono. You can select these measures for your MIPSpro dashboard for reporting. While you are in your Healthmonix MIPSpro account selecting measures, you can a...
Where do I enter information and data in DrChrono in order to report it with Healthmonix MIPSpro?
With Healthmonix MIPSpro, you can easily document your measures in DrChrono. It is a best practice to regularly enter your data so that this data will sync with Healthmonix. In this article, we will look at the main areas where you will enter y...