

Overview of Vital Flowsheets
Vital Flowsheets in DrChrono allow you to create and customize vital signs so that you can record, track, and view your patients' vital history. To get started go to Account > Custom Fields , and select Vital Flowsheets on the left. ...
Adding Vitals to Vital Flowsheets
You can add custom vitals to your Vital Flowsheets to track and monitor your patients in a way that works best for your practice and workflow. For example, if you needed to add another set of vitals to an appointment, you could create additional vi...
Creating Custom Vitals
You can set up custom vitals to appear as fields you may enter during an appointment. Custom vitals are a great way to customize DrChrono to your specific practice needs. 1. To get started, go to Account and select Custom Fields . 2. Sel...