Submitting a Prior Authorization using the CoverMyMeds integration (Web)

DrChrono has implemented a CoverMyMeds (CMM) new enhancement, Electronic Prior Authorization (ePA). The improvement will allow for a Prior Authorization to be submitted to the Payer directly from the "send eRx" page, making it quicker for a patient to immediately begin or continue treatment with as little delay as possible.

Key Enhancements

  • Information will be sent to the provider indicating whether Prior Authorization is required for a medication.

  • Patient information will be sent to CMM’s allowing the provider to submit an ePA request to the payer through CMM’s platform.

  • ePA message populates in the DrChrono message center.

New workflow

Provider initiates PA Request to Payer from send eRx page :arrow_right: PA Request & Response(s) save in Patient’s Chart > Demographics > Authorizations :arrow_right: PA Responses from Payer are forwarded to Message Center with patient's name attached.

Initiating a Prior Authorization Request

  • From the patient's chart, perform a prescription benefits check via the Eligibility section.
  • Once the prescription benefit has been confirmed navigate to Send eRx (via the patient's chart).
  • Enter the following required fields ( Medication, SIG, Dispense, Dispense Unit, Days Supply, and Diagnosis Codes). The diagnosis code must first exist in the Problem list in order to appear.
  • The Initiate PA box will only appear if a PA is required.
  • Click Initiate Standard Request or Initiate Urgent Request.

*Urgent Request = payer is required to provide a response in a specific timeframe (typically within 24hrs).

  • A pop-up notification will appear if there is an existing PA request for the medication. If not...
  • Go to the next step to complete the authorization request.


Completing a Prior Authorization Request

The prior authorization request can be completed via the Message Center OR the Authorization tab within the patient's chart.

Note: Once the PA request has been initiated, typically it will take 1-2min to appear in the Message Center / Patient's Chart. However, the timeframe is ultimately based on the payer.

Via the Message Center (envelope located at the top right corner)

  • Scroll to Prior Authorization (column on the left side under ERX section).
  • Click the Prior Authorization with the title START PA.
  • Once the message has been opened, click the button Start PA.
  • The page will auto-navigate to the Prior Authorization Request screen.
  • Fill in the required information needed. Documents can also be attached (ie: clinical notes).
  • Click Submit request.


Via the Authorization tab within the patient's chart

  • Navigate to Demographics > Authorizations tab.
  • Locate the Prior Authorization Medication > the status will show as Open.
  • Click the 3 dots (...) to the right under the Action column.
  • Choose Send PA.
  • Fill in the required information needed. Documents can also be attached (ie: clinical notes).
  • Click Submit at the bottom of the request.


Viewing Prior Authorization Responses from the Payer

  • Navigate to the Message Center.
  • Scroll to Prior Authorization (column on the left side under ERX section).
  • Select the message applicable to the patient's name.
  • View response (Approved, Complete More Questions, Denied).
  • Payer notes are located at the bottom of the response (i.e. a denied payer's response and/or payer response file attachments).


Example PA Responses




  • Click "Complete More Questions" button.
  • Complete additional questions requested by the payer.
  • Submit PA at the bottom of the request.




Viewing Existing Prior Authorization Requests

  • (via Patient Chart) Navigate to Demographics > Authorizations.
  • Clicking the 3 dots (...) under the action column allows a PA to be sent, canceled, archived and view the payer's response.

*If a canceled PA Request has been approved, the user can send a new PA Request using the same drug via the Send eRX page.


Here is a link to a video that will walk you through Submitting a Prior Authorization using the CoverMyMeds integration

FAQ- Submitting a Prior Authorization using the CoverMyMeds integration (Web)

Submitting a Manual Prior Authorization - CoverMyMeds integration(Web)