Sending Email through DrChrono

You can easily send an email to a patient, a group of patients, or all of your patients with the Send Email feature.

Note: DrChrono prohibits sharing PHI (protected health information) via the Send Email feature.

If you wish to send a secure message to a patient, please use our secure messaging feature via OnPatient.

1. Go to Patients > Send Email.Patient__send_email.png

2. Write out your email. The section on the right gives you a preview of the email.


3. DrChrono allows you to send your emails to individual patients, patient groups, or all of your patients.

a. To send your email to individual patients type in the patient name in the search bar and select the desired patient.

b. To send your email to a Patient Group type in the Patient Group name and select the desired group.


c. To send your email to all of your patients check the Send to All Patients box. An email copy can also be sent to the provider by checking, Send Copy to Doctor.

Screen_Shot_2018-08-14_at_1.30.22_PM.png4. After you've written your email and selected who you want the email sent to hit the blue Send Message button. DrChrono will ask you to confirm your message. Hit OK to send your message.


5. An Email Sent pop-up window will appear, confirming that your email has been sent. A copy of that email will also be sent to the provider's email address that is associated with their DrChrono Account. You have now completed composing and sending an email to your patient(s).

Screen_Shot_2018-08-14_at_1.49.57_PM.pngNote: All emails are delivered from This email address can not be customized or changed.