How to Add a New Appointment Profile

Appointment profiles save you time by pre-populating fields when creating a new appointment. Appointment profiles are used to:

  • Automatically set a Reason For Visit
  • Set a duration for an appointment
  • Set a color for the appointment
  • Fill out billing codes associated with the appointment
  • Fill out the payment type for the appointment
  • Attach consent forms or any other forms to the appointment.

To create a new appointment profile, go to Schedule on your navigation bar and select Appointment Profiles.


In your appointment profile editor, select +Add New Profile in the upper-right-hand corner.

A form will appear that prompts you to fill out the details of your appointment profile. Here you can:


  • Name your appointment profile
  • Associate a color with your appointment profile
  • State a reason to visit that will populate in a new appointment's 'Reason For Visit' field
  • Specify a duration for the appointment
  • Associate a billing profile with the appointment profile to auto-populate billing codes
  • Add a payment profile
  • Enable online schedule
  • Attach consent forms to your appointment profile. You must upload consent forms to your account before they can be attached to appointment profiles.

Make changes as you see fit and select Create.