Overview of Vital Flowsheets

Vital Flowsheets in DrChrono allow you to create and customize vital signs so that you can record, track, and view your patients' vital history.

To get started go to Account > Custom Fields, and select Vital Flowsheets on the left.



The System Vitals section contains the standard vital signs that are included by default in your DrChrono account.

1. You can reorder the vitals by clicking on the (Screen_Shot_2020-07-20_at_10.23.34_AM.png) icon and dragging and dropping the vital signs to the order you would like.


2. The Edit button allows you to change the grouping for the vital sign. You can move the system vital signs to another vitals group you have created. Simply select the group and Save.


3. +Add Flowsheet allows you to create and customize a new flowsheet. Once you create a Flowsheet, you can add the vitals you would like to track.

4. Edit Flowsheet allows you to make changes to an existing flowsheet.


Name: Lets you name or change the name of your flowsheet. This is a required field.

Table Format: Allows you to have the date appear on the top or the side.

Number of Appointments to Render: Lets you choose up to 30 appointments to render on the note

Max Columns to Render: You can have up to 15 columns before a new table is created to continue rendering your data.

Appointment Order: Appointment data can display in newest to oldest or oldest to newest.

Hide From Note: If you do not want the vitals to appear on the rendered clinical note, you can use this setting to do so.

Include Empty Appointments (Without Vitals) On Note: By default, appointments that do not have any vitals information will not be shown on the note. If you would like to have them on the note, you can turn on this setting.

Include Empty Vitals: By default, any vitals fields that are not filled out will not appear on the note. If you would like the blank fields to appear for the vitals not taken during the visit, turn this setting on.

Click Save when finished.

By default, the Enabled switch will be set to On so that the vitals you create can be entered and displayed on the clinical note. If Enabled is switched Off, the vital will still show in the appointment and clinical note form, but will not show in the final rendered note.


For more information on adding a vital to a flowsheet, click here.