Controlled Substance Refill Requests

Controlled substance refill requests sent by pharmacies can be found in your message center (Message_Center_Icon.png) in the upper right corner of your DrChrono account.


In the request, you will have the ability to Replace or Deny the prescription. By default, Deny will always be selected when the request is generated in the message center. Height, weight, and recent appointment information will also be included in the request.


Note: Height and weight will be included in the prescription to the pharmacy. However, they are not required. This information can be entered in the System Vitals section of the appointment. DrChrono pulls the latest measurements to include in the prescription.


Note: Before sending a prescription, please ensure you have the patient's complete address, date of birth, and gender recorded in the patient's chart.

To deny the request, select Deny, enter the Denial Reason (required) and click Deny.


To send the replacement prescription, select the Replace with new eRx button. Fill in the prescription information and click Preview Prescription.


Note: When processing a controlled substance refill request, there are no options for refills. Instead, there is a Total Fills box. The Total Fills box will automatically fill to 1 for level 1 and 2 controlled substances. The Effective Date must be the current date or a date in the future. Clicking on Patient's Prescription will take to the Outgoing Prescription Report for the patient.

Next, check the Ready to sign box and click Send Prescription.


You will be prompted to validate the prescription with two-factor authentication. Enter your DrChrono password and the code sent to your device and click Sign & Send Prescription.


Once the prescription is sent the refill request message will be archived.


Within the patient's chart, you can view the Renewals & Refill Requests. The status will reflect the Replace or Deny actions. Clicking the envelope icon (Refill_Envelope.png) will open the original refill request in the message center.


Pharmacies can also send follow-up refill requests.
