Electronically Prescribing Schedule III and IV Controlled Substances
Once you have had your identity verified through and been approved in DrChrono, you can send electronic prescriptions for controlled substances (EPCS). With there are two ways you can perform multi-factor authentication (MFA) to s...
ePrescribing with multiple SPI (SureScripts Prescriber ID) locations from the Web
For Practice Groups that serve patients in multiple states thus prescribing in multiple states, DrChrono's software allows for the respective controlled substance level (or lack of one) to be reflected accurately to the user and enable a proper ePre...
Prescription Drafts
Prescription drafts are available in DrChrono. Drafts can be made in the patient's chart or with a refill request. Prescription drafts can be completed by providers to review and send later. Prescription drafts can also be completed by staff memb...
Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS) Based on the DEA Schedule
DrChrono has updated the electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS) module to check a medication's DEA schedule for both the prescriber's and the pharmacy's states. Whichever state has the more restrictive DEA schedule is the DEA sche...
Schedule III and IV Refill Maximums
Note: The effective date for controlled substances listed in Schdeule III or IV for New Rx cannot exceed 6 months. This include responses and change responses for Renewal, Replace, RxChange and Approved.
A text warning will display stating, "The D...
Batch Ordering Schedule II Controlled Substances
If you need to order a schedule II controlled substance medication for a 90-day supply, for example for patients who maintain the same prescription, you can do so using the Batch button when sending a prescription from a patient's chart. This will...
Prescribing with your Narcotics Addition DEA Number (NADEAN)
If you prescribe medications for narcotics addiction, you can enter your NADEAN by going to Account > Provider Settings and selecting the eRx Info tab. Once entered, your NADEAN will transmit with your prescription.
When prescribing, t...
GHB Controls
As part of DrChrono's DEA audit process, when prescribing a drug containing Gamma Hydroxburic Acid (GHB), the Notes to Pharmacy field is required.
You will see an error message if the field is not filled out.
Electronically Prescribing Controlled Substances with in DrChrono
Once you have had your identity verified through and been approved in DrChrono, you can send electronic prescriptions for controlled substances (EPCS). With there are two ways you can perform multi-factor authentication (MFA) to send ...
Controlled Substances Audit Log
The Audit Log captures each step of the prescription process when a controlled substance medication is ordered. The actions are recorded in real-time as the medication is ordered and provide detailed information documenting the controlled substance...
Controlled Substance Refill Requests
Controlled substance refill requests sent by pharmacies can be found in your message center ( ) in the upper right corner of your DrChrono account.
In the request, you will have the ability to Replace or Deny the prescription. By def...
Prerequisite Legal Registrations Necessary for EPCS
To get started with EPCS in DrChrono, you must have completed certain registrations per the DEA and your state's laws. You must register for a DEA number to use EPCS. Within most states (all excluding New York), all that is required prior to th...
EPCS: Do I meet the requirements to prescribe controlled substances?
DrChrono EHR supports the prescription of controlled substances within its eRx feature. Before prescribing controlled substances, several requirements must be met. DrChrono does not support e-prescribing outside of the United States.
EPCS System Requirements
System Requirements for DrChrono EPCS
Prior to using the DrChrono EHR to prescribe controlled substances (EPCS), you are required to meet all the DrChrono system requirements while additionally certifying that you will keep your system up to dat...
EPCS: Can I send multiple schedule II medications in a prescription?
Sending Multiple EPCS Medications in a Prescription
In DrChrono EHR, it is possible to send multiple EPCS prescriptions. On the New Prescription page, simply select the + button in the upper right-hand corner to add a new medication form to the ...