DrChrono Payments: How to set up your account

Setting up your DrChrono Payment account is easy and can be done through your DrChrono account.

The first thing you will need to do is reach out to accountmanager@drchrono.com and let them know you would like to utilize DrChrono Payments to collect your patient payments. If you are a new customer with DrChrono, this feature may already be turned on for your account. You can check by following the steps below. If you see the option for DrChrono Payments, it is already enabled for your account.

  1. Once it's enabled for your account, navigate to Account > Provider Settings > Patient Payments tab. You should see a section titled "DrChrono Payments".

The merchant accounts that are associated with your DrChrono account will appear under the Current Default Merchant dropdown. You can have multiple merchant DrChrono Payment accounts attached to your DrChrono account. They will all be listed under the DrChrono heading and can be set as the default for each provider.

Multiple Merchant Accounts

If you have multiple providers set up with DrChrono Payments, you can set them as the default merchant under this section (Account > Provider Settings > Patient Payments > DrChrono Payments).

While under their account (top right of the screen, next to the signed-in user), navigate to DrChrono Payments, and under "Current Default Merchant", select the same provider.

Once the default merchant is set for each provider, you are ready to process payments!