Custom Procedures


How to create a Custom Procedure Code
Creating Custom Procedure Codes DrChrono makes it easy to create special custom procedure codes for items or services provided that will be billed to a patient rather than their insurance. Here is how you can create them: ...
Video: Creating New Custom Procedure Codes
Creating Custom Procedure Codes Check out this video on how to create custom procedure codes for those unique services and products you offer your patients. Here is an article that will also walk you through creati...
How do I update or archive my custom procedures?
Update & Archive Custom Procedures Occasionally, the prices of your procedures and inventory will change. You may also decide not to offer a service and the related custom procedure code will need to be archived. You can do both quic...
Exporting Custom Procedure Codes
Exporting Custom Procedure Codes If you would like to export your custom procedure codes to an MS Excel file, you can do so by following the instructions below. Navigate to Billing > Custom Procedures Click on the Export to Fi...