CCDA Reconciliation via Inbound Direct Messaging

DrChrono has improved the efficiency of handling Inbound Direct Messages by enabling users to initiate CCDA reconciliation directly within the message. This enhancement significantly streamlines workflows, making it faster and easier to manage patient data. Additionally, users can now preview and save file attachments directly to the patient’s chart, ensuring a more seamless and organized process for managing patient information.

What is Direct Messaging?

Learn more about Setting Up Direct Messaging.

Viewing incoming direct messages 

  1. Navigate to the message center
  2. Scroll to Direct Messages in the left menu
  3. Click Incoming Direct Messages 

Users will be able to view all incoming messages along with files located in the attachment table.

Incoming direct message attachment table

The attachment table stores both non-CCDA and CCDA files. 

  • Upload date - date that the file was uploaded.
  • Description - the type of attachment ( i.e. pdf-image, XML-CCDA).
  • Saved status - displays if the file was not saved, saved, or unable to save to the patient's chart.
  • Action -  option to (Non-CCDA) preview, download and save, (CCDA) preview and save.

 Attachment file actions

Non-CCDA attachment files

Preview and Save—clicking preview and save under the actions column will direct the user to the preview attachment screen, where they can preview, select a patient to associate, and create a tag and description to save to the patient's chart.  The attachment will be saved to the documents section in the patient chart as well as downloaded to the user's personal device (i.e. computer, laptop, etc)

The option to download is only for Non-CCDA files.

If there is an issue saving the file, the user will see a "not saved" status and receive an Unable to Save error message.

 CCDA attachment files

Clicking preview and save under the actions column will direct the user to preview the CCDA document before uploading.   Users can enter important clinical record information such as patient name, transition of care, date, if data is structured, lab results processed, and type of documents. 

When typing a name in the select patient field, a drop-down will list suggested patients that match the demographics in the CCDA file.  The user will have to select the correct patient.

The "Select Patient" field will be grayed out when uploading from the Clinical Dashboard, as the patient will already be pre-selected.

After entering the clinical record data, you can Cancel, Save to Patient (chart), or Save and Start Reconciliation.

Learn more about C-CDA Importing and Reconciling Patient Data.