New Articles

  1. How to bulk submit claims

    Submitting multiple claims If you have multiple claims needing to be sent to the same payer, you can save yourself some time and keystrokes by submitting them altogether. Note: Bulk submitting claims is for the init...
  2. How to enroll with ePS for just real time eligibility checks

    **** Please note, if you submit any request other than real-time eligibility (Claims and/or ERA) you could potentially impact ALL of your claim submissions **** For any questions, please reach out to support . Here is...
  3. Exclusive Change Healthcare Payers for Claims as of 3.06.2024

    Exclusive Change Healthcare Payers for Claims as of 3/6/24 Payer Name Payer ID Line of Business 1199 National Benefit Fund 5405 Professional 1199 National Benefit Fund 13162 Institutional 3...
  4. ePS: Available services display in the patient's chart

    For customers utilizing eProvider Solutions (EPS) as your clearinghouse during the Emergency Access, you can see in your patient's chart what services (Electronic Claims, ERAs, Eligibility) are available for each payer. If you are not currently...
  5. eProvider Solutions FAQ

    Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about eProvider Solutions.
  6. Adding Supervising Provider to the Patient Superbill

    DrChrono has added a feature that will allow any clinician with a supervising provider to have both names printed on a patient Superbill. From the Live Claims Feed: Navigate to Billing > Live Claims Feed F...
  7. The New Drug Database Is Available in DrChrono

    Understanding the drug database Drug databases are a critical tool for healthcare professionals. They provide comprehensive and up-to-date information on drugs and are essential for tasks such as managing patient EHR and electronic prescribing. ...
  8. Release Notes for DrChrono Web 2024-03-15

    Check out our release notes to learn about our latest enhancements to your DrChrono web experience.
  9. What if a payer requests a certain field/provider number to show in a specific field?

    The Insurance Setup screen has multiple functionalities. Depending on how your provider/organization is credentialed, some claims may need to be billed with an individual NPI or SSN while another is billed with the group NPI and TIN. This scree...
  10. ePS Enrollment Module - What do the different statues mean?

    Within the ePS (eProvider Solutions) enrollment portal, you can see different statuses under the Managed Submitted tab. They include: Complete Form Created, Provider Action Required Digital Signature - The form can be signed digital...