Popular Articles

  1. End of Public Health Emergency (PHE) - What do I need to know?

    PHE Ends CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) has published an article and fact sheet explaining the impact on providers and patients if the PHE expires in May 2023 as scheduled. The fact sheet covers critical elements such ...
  2. What is the Appropriate Use Criteria (AUC) program?

    Appropriate Use Criteria The Appropriate Use Criteria program was established to ensure that advanced diagnostic imaging services provided to Medicare patients are being validated through clinical decision support mechanisms (CDSMs) before t...
  3. How do I use drawing tools on the iPad?

    How do I use drawing tools on the iPad?
  4. Patient Payment Plans: Minimum Monthly Payment Amount

    DrChrono's Payment Plans allow for the office administrator to set a minimum payment amount. If a member of the office attempts to set a payment plan where the monthly payment is below the minimum payment set by the office administrator, they wi...
  5. VIDEO: Good Faith Estimate Tool Overview

    Good Faith Estimate Tool If you would like to read about the Good Faith Estimate Tool, you can access the article here . ...
  6. Medicare rejection for timely filing

    Medicare will reject claims for timely filing if it is filed 12 months/1 year after the date of service. Medicare does not allow appeals for timely filing denials, however, you might be able to request that the claim be reopen...
  7. eProvider Solutions- How do I cancel an enrollment request?

    If you've entered an enrollment request with ePS and need to cancel it, you can from the Continue Unsubmitted tab. Simply click on the Cancel button under Actions and it will be removed from your list. If you wo...
  8. ePS Enrollment Module: Payer View

    While working on your EPS submissions, you may need to pause your work and return to it later. You will find all of your started, but not submitted enrollments under the Continue Unsubmitted tab under Billing > Enrollment. The screen w...
  9. Patient Payment Plans: Reporting

    If your office allows patients to pay off their balances via a monthly payment plan, it may be helpful to see the amounts that are expected to be received per month. You can find this information by navigating to Reports > Patient Paymen...
  10. Good Faith Estimate: How do I remove a charge from an existing estimate?

    Removing a Charge from an Estimate Removing a charge from an existing Good Faith Estimate (GFE) is very easy. Navigate to the patient's chart, select Patient Cost Estimator, and identify the estimate you want to update. Click on the...