Hiding Canceled and Rescheduled Appointments from the Schedule

DrChrono has a setting that allows you to hide appointments with a canceled or rescheduled status.

An appointment's status can be set in the appointment window.


By default, canceled and rescheduled appointments will remain on the calendar, but they will appear faded out with an "X" or "R" in the top left corner.


If you would like to hide canceled and/or rescheduled appointments from your calendar, you can do so under Account > Provider Settings.

  • Select the General tab and go to Calendar Settings.
  • Check the box next to Hide canceled appointments and/or Hide rescheduled appointments.
  • Scroll down and click Update Entire Profile to save your settings.
  • Repeat the process for other providers in your practice.


Once the setting is saved, when an appointment's status is changed to canceled or rescheduled it will be removed from the calendar making it easier to schedule new appointments in their place.

The Canceled and Rescheduled appointments can be viewed in the Appointments Dashboard, in the patient's chart, and in the audit log. They are also available for reports.
