How to upload a Profile Image and Business Logo

DrChrono makes it easy to add branding to your emails and official forms. There are two pictures you can change to customize your business's profile.

The first is your practice's Profile Picture which will be attached to patient emails. The second is your Practice Business Logo which will be attached to patient emails, reminder emails, patient statements, referrals, OnPatient, the scheduling calendar via the website widget, superbills, and faxes.

Here is how you can add/change both images:

Note: Your profile image and business logo can be no bigger than a 3 X 3. You can have two possible pixel resolutions for this image depending on how you set the DPI. So, at 72 DPI, the pixels would be 216 X 216. At 300 DPI, the pixel count would be 900 X 900. (20MB max size upload limit within our system). The smaller the file the faster it will load. If you choose a profile picture with a large file size please know that it will not load as fast as a smaller-sized file.

For both the profile image and business logo, you will upload them from the same page.

Go to Account > Provider Settings.

Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 12.26.35 PM.png

The Profile tab will be the first tab you see. Follow the steps below to upload your profile and business logo images.

  • Click Choose File
  • Select an image from your computer
  • Click Open
  • Click Update Entire Profile
  • If you would like to display your logo on faxes, check the box.


Your profile picture and logo will appear. You can always upload new ones by following the same steps.


Below is an example of the logo added to a fax.
