Glossary: Data Elements (EHI Export)

EHI Export: Overview

Data Elements

Our EHI export data categories, file export names, fields and descriptions are as follows in Doctor Exporter, Doctor Exported Documents Exporter, PracticeGroupExporter, Patient Exporter, and Patient Exported Documents exporter.

Data exports are provided by export name and provided in .CSV data structure, each representing a record for distinct patient notated with the referenced patient_id. This structure is the same whether exporting a single patient or all patients. Data exports and fields are defined to make understanding the data easier, however, you can utilize the following Glossary for further explanation of the data is necessary:

Doctor Exporter

This folder is exported in both single patient and practice EHI Export files. For the single patient EHI Export, only the doctors file is included. All files listed below are included in the practice EHI Export.

· ConsentForms Practice consent form templates information.

· CustomVitalType: Custom vital types defined by doctors.

· Doctors: Basic doctor information.

· EducationResource: Educational resources data.

· MUSyndromicSurveillanceLog: Log details for syndromic surveillance.

· Offices: Office information associated with doctors.

· PatientImportCCDAFile: Information about CCDA files imported by doctors.

· SoapNoteCustomReport: Custom reports for SOAP notes.

· SoapNoteLineItemFieldType: Field types for line items in SOAP notes.

Doctor > Exported Documents Exporter

This folder is only included in the practice EHI Export.

· ConsentFormFiles Imported patient consent forms for the practice.

· EducationResourceFiles: Custom patient education resources files for the practice.

· PatientImportCCDAFileFiles: Mass imported CCDA ZIP Files for the practice.

Practice Group Exporter

This folder is only included in the practice EHI Export.

· LabQuestCDCOrderCode, LabQuestCDCOrderCodeAOE: Lab order codes.

· PracticeGroup: Information about practice groups.

Patient Exporter

The patient folder is included in both the single patient and practice EHI Exports.

· AdditionalResponsibleParty, ResponsiblePartyAddress: Addresses and additional contact information for responsible parties.

· Allergies, AllergySnomedCodeMapping: Patient allergy information.

· Appointments: Patient appointment details.

· AutoAccidentInsurance, PrimaryHospitalInsurance, WorkerCompInsurance: Auto Accident, Primary Hospital and Workman's Comp. patient insurance information.

· CarePlan, CarePlanAuthor: Care plans and their authors.

· CareTeamMember: Members of the care team.

· CaseReportEncounters: Patient encounters with an eligible case report and their data.

· Claims: Patient claims data.

· ClinicalDecisionSupportRule , PatientSpecificActions: Clinical Decision Support Rules and CDS actions taken for a patient.

· ClinicalList: Imported CCDA clinical information reconciliation data.

· ClinicalNoteArchives, ClinicalNotes, CustomClinicalNoteSections, NoteSectionComments, SoapNoteLineItemFieldValue: Clinical notes and related details.

· ClinicalObservation, ClinicalObservationSnomedDetails, FamilyHistory, Person, Relationship: Patient family history clinical observations and related personal details.

· ConsentFormAssignments, ConsentFormSignatureAuditLogs, ConsentFormSignatures: Patient consent form assignments, signature audit logs and signature data.

· CustomVitalValue, SystemVitals, SystemVitalsAuthor: Custom and system vitals information.

· Demographics: Basic patient demographic information.

· DirectMessage, DirectMessageAttachment: Information related to direct messages and their attachments.

· DoctorMessage, DoctorMessageLog: Doctor messages and logs.

· EducationResourceRecommendation: Recommendations for educational resources.

· FunctionalStatus, FunctionalStatusAuthor: Assessments of functional status data.

· HistoryMessage: History messages.

· ImplantableDeviceAuthors, ImplantableDevices, PatientDeviceOrder: Information about patient devices and implantable devices.

· InboundReferrals, OutboundReferrals: Inbound and outbound referral information.

· InsuranceAuthorization: Insurance authorizations for patients.

· IzPatientDemographic, PatientVaccinationRecord, PatientVaccineRecordDoses: Patient immunization data.

· LabOrder, LabOrderDocument, LabOrderICD10Codes: Lab order data and requisition documents.

· LabResult, LabResultAuthor, PatientLabResultSet: Lab results and their authors.

· MentalStatusAuthor, MentalStatus: Assessments of mental status data.

· MUPatientEducationLog: Logs for patient education.

· OutgoingPatientMessageStatus: Statuses of outgoing patient messages.

· PatientCostEstimator: Good Faith Estimates for patients.

· PatientDrug, Prescription, PrescriptionMessage: Patient medication history and prescription information.

· PatientFlags: Patient associated flags data.

· PatientImagingOrder: Imaging orders for patients.

· PatientMessage, PatientMessageAttachment: Patient messages and attachments.

· PaymentsInsurance, PaymentsPatient: Patient and insurance payment data.

· Problems: Patient problem list data.

· SocialHistory, SocialHistoryAuthor: Patient social history data.

Patient > Exported Documents Exporter

This folder is included in the single patient and practice EHI Exports.

· ClinicalNoteArchivesFiles Clinical note archives (previous saved versions for a clinical note) PDF files.

· ClinicalNoteFiles: Locked patient clinical note html files.

· DirectMessageAttachmentFiles: Patient DIRECT secure message attachment files.

· DoctorMessageFiles Patient doctor message files.

· ImportedClinicalCareDocumentFiles: Imported patient CCDA XML files.

· InboundReferralFiles: Patient inbound referral files.

· LabOrderDocumentFiles: Patient lab order document PDF files.

· OutboundReferralFiles: Patient outbound referral files.

· PatientMessageAttachmentFiles: Patient message attachment files.

Read Me Exporter

Txt file that contains the version of the EHI Export and a link to the documentation.