Set up a Supervising Physician
Within your DrChrono account, you can set up providers in your office to either serve as a supervising provider or a provider who needs supervising. This will allow a supervising provider to review and sign off on clinical notes after submission by the rendering provider.
If you are in need of setting up this type of scenario, please reach out to DrChrono support with the name of the provider who needs supervising and the one who will be doing the supervising. They can set this up for you.
For supervising providers
Once support confirms that a user has been setup as a supervising provider, the user will need to enable the Share Patients permission in their account via Account > Staff Permissions > Permissions tab> Share Patients.
Supervising Provider: You can review and sign off on clinical notes from a provider needing supervision by going to Clinical > Clinical Notes.
The supervising provider's name appears in (2) two places -
- in the "Provider" section in the header.
- as a signature at the bottom of the clinical note.
In addition, if in this scenario, you plan to bill the claim under the supervising provider's information/NPI, please refer to the article on incident-to-billing to ensure the specific criteria to bill in this manner are met.