Form Building


Form Builder Overview
Watch this video for an overview of the form builder.
Short Text and Fraction Fields
Learn how to use short text and fraction fields in the form builder. ...
Yes/No Fields
Watch this video to learn how to use yes/no fields in forms.
Switches and Smart Switch Fields
Learn how to use switches and smart fields on your forms.
Single and Multiple Select Fields
Learn how to use single and multiple select fields in your forms. ...
Free Draw Fields and Diagrams
Watch this video for a quick tutorial on using free draw fields. Note : Freedraw fields will only appear on a note if they are interacted with and saved via the DrChrono EHR app on iPad or iPhone. This includes any images you upload to the...
Header and Subheader Fields
Check out our video on how to use header and subheader fields when creating forms. ...
Form Building Options Menu
Learn about the options menu in the form builder. ...
Form Editing and Sharing
Watch this video to learn about editing and sharing forms.
Using the Form Library
Watch our video to learn how to add forms from the form library.
Complete Note Format and Form Reorder
Watch this video to learn about using Complete Note Format and Form Reorder to enhance your charting experience.
Adding Billing Profiles to Forms
Learn how to add billing profiles to forms to be able to code your visits at the tap of a button. ...