EPS Enrollment Module


ePS - Enrollment notifications
After submitting your insurance enrollments through the ePS (eProvider Solutions) enrollment module, ePS will forward them to the payer. If the status of your request changes, such as to deny, provider action required, etc, the DrChrono system...
ePS- How do I access the portal?
To access the EPS (eProvider Solutions) portal to submit requests for claims, electronic remittance advice, and eligibility inquiries: Navigate to Billing > Enrollment .  The screen that appears will begin the process by entering the res...
 VIDEO: eProvider Solutions- Navigating the enrollment portal
Integrated with your DrChrono account is an enrollment portal for ePS (eProvider Solutions) to make it easy and efficient to submit your enrollment requests and check on their status in real time.  The video below will walk you through the proc...
eProvider Solutions- How do I submit an enrollment request?
Submitting enrollment requests through the ePS integrated portal is fast, easy, and efficient.  Here is how you can request enrollments, and take care of any necessary paperwork all without leaving your DrChrono account. Before beginning...
eProvider Solutions- How do I resume a previously started enrollment request?
Continuing work on a started, but, not submitted, enrollment request through the EPS-integrated portal is fast, easy, and efficient. To begin - Navigate to Billing > Enrollment Select the Continue Unsubmitted tab This scre...
eProvider Solutions- How do I cancel an enrollment request?
If you've entered an enrollment request with ePS and need to cancel it, you can from the Continue Unsubmitted tab.  Simply press on the Cancel button under Actions and it will be removed from your list. To review...
ePS Enrollment Module: Payer View
While working on your EPS submissions, you may need to pause your work and return to it later. You will find all your started, but not submitted enrollments under the Continue Unsubmitted tab under Billing > Enrollment . The screen ...
ePS Enrollment Module: TIN update
 To assist with submitting your enrollment requests through eProvider Solutions (ePS), we have added a column to list the associated Tax ID/TIN.  This will help identify which request is which if your office bills with multiple Tax ID numbers. ...
ePS Enrollment Module Activity Log
As you submit and track your EDI/ERA enrollments, you will now be able to see the date/time/user/action all within the EDI portal under the Activity Log. ...
ePS: EDI Enrollment Check
When a claim is placed in a submission status (Bill Insurance, Bill Secondary Insurance, Auto Accident Claim, Worker's Compensation, Durable Medical Equipment), a check will be made before submission to ensure that an EDI submission request has ...
eProvider Solutions- What do the different statuses mean?
Within the ePS (eProvider Solutions) enrollment portal, you can see different statuses under the Managed Submitted tab. They include: Complete Form Created, Provider Action Required Digital Signature - The form can be signe...
ePS - Reinitiating an enrollment request
If an enrollment request submitted to eProvider Solutions is returned for additional information or denied, you now have the option to update/correct the information and reinitiate the request, instead of submitting a brand-new request. ...
eProvider Solutions: Can I archive a submitted request?
Yes, if you need to archive a submitted EDI/ERA request, you can do so within your enrollment portal.   Navigate to Billing > Enrollment > Manage Submitted tab Locate the entry you need to archive - the box is on the right of the screen   ...