Month End Close: An Overview
Overview Reporting in DrChrono is based on the transaction date, which is the date the charge or payment was added/posted to the patient's appointment. If these dates are changed, forward or backward, figures listed on financial reports c...
Month End Close: How to utilize in my account
Those who have Billing Administrator Permissions in DrChrono, and are on a plan other than Apollo Plus will see the Month-End Close where you can select the date on which your account charges, payments, and adjustments will be frozen. For th...
Month End Close: Patient Payment Screen
When transactions have been frozen in the account for a certain date, the ability to delete or unallocate a patient payment will not be available. However, any dates that are not within a frozen period, will be able to be updated, changed, or del...
Month End Close: Freezing charges each month
For all customers, except those on an Apollo Plus plan, you will need to go in each month to freeze the transactions for the previous month. At this time, it will not happen automatically.
For example - if you want to freeze tran...
Month End Close: Changes, Refunds, or Takebacks while in the frozen period
During the period when charges are frozen, there could be an instance where a correct, refund, or insurance takeback will be needed. These postings can still be made or posted via ERA/835 file, but the transaction date listed will be the date ...
Month End Close: Unposted ERAs
When DrChrono receives ERA/835 files, they post automatically to patient appointments after the system verifies that the patient and the transaction match, unless you have your account to verify ERAs before posting. When there is a conflict...
Month End Close: Live Claims Feed
When charges are added before a patient's appointment, they will appear grayed out in the Live Claims Feed. They will not appear in any report until the date of service. You can still make updates to either the code or charge when it is in this ...