Correcting a payment in the Patient Payments system
If you encounter a payment that has been posted incorrectly, there is a way to correct it without deleting the entire payment. Although it is possible to completely delete a payment, the best practice is to correct the payment instead so tha...
Deleting a payment in the Patient Payments system
If there is an error in a payment posted, best practice is to counter-post a correction that will keep a record of the error and subsequent correction instead of deleting the payment, which will remove all records of it. ( How to enter a correctio...
How to delete payer adjustments and/or patient responsibility amounts
If you need to delete payer adjustments or patient responsibility amounts, you can do so through the Live Claims Feed (LCF). Navigate to Billing > Live Claims Feed Pull up the patient's account via their name, chart ID, or claim number....
How Do I Unallocate a Payment if it is Posted to a Wrong Appointment?
If you allocate money to the wrong appointment or line item, you have the ability to unallocate/delete those funds so they can be posted to the correct patient's appointment. To do so, you'll need "Billing Administrator" and "Access Patie...