Condition codes are 2-digit numerical or alphanumeric representations of aspects of a patient, services provided, the type of service venue, and/or billing situations that can impact a payer's processing of an institutional claim. These codes ar...
DrChrono makes it simple to add the patient's discharge status to their institutional claim which will be printed in box 17 on the UB04 institutional claim form and transmitted on the EDI file. Navigate to Billing > Live Claims Feed > Insi...
DrChrono makes it easy to add the discharge hour to your patient's claim. It can be done right within the patient's encounter. Navigate to Billing > Live Claims Feed > Inside the patient's appointment > Right column > Info tab ...
You can run insurance eligibility in a few places in DrChrono, the appointment window, the patient's chart, and the eligibility dashboard. Any location will pull the insurance information for the patient. However, when you run the eligibil...
A point of origin code discloses to the payer the source or method of the patient's referral for admission. The point of origin code is similar to a "place of service" code on a professional claim/HCFA-1500 form. To add it to an institutiona...
Box 14 of the UB04 institutional claim form requires a description of the patient's type of admission. You can quickly add this information via the patient's encounter under your Live Claims Feed. Navigate to Billing > Live Claims Feed ...
DrChrono makes it easy to add an admission date and hour to your patient's claim. It can be done right within the patient's encounter. Navigate to Billing > Live Claims Feed > Inside the patient's appointment > Right column > Info tab ...
When billing institutional care, the start/end dates of care included on that billing statement must appear in box 6 of the UB04 claim form. In DrChrono, it is easy to enter/update this information from within the patient claim in the Live Claim...
On an institutional claim, a 4-digit code in box 4 identifies the type of facility and type of care, and the frequency code is generated based on parameters set under the office settings and attached to a patient's claim. Facility Level ...
Each patient appointment within DrChrono will be assigned a unique claim ID number automatically. This number will be transmitted to the payer with each submitted claim. On the HCFA-1500 form , it will print in box 26 under the label "Pati...