Single Sign-on for Providers in Multiple Practice Groups

Providers working in multiple practice groups can log in to one account and access all of their other practice group accounts. Once their accounts are linked, they can switch between them

Providers should determine which practice group account they want to log in to as their primary account before creating a support case to link their accounts. 

Link or unlink accounts

To link or unlink accounts, create a support case.

Emails are sent to the primary and linked accounts to notify you that both accounts are linked. 

Access linked accounts

You must log in to your primary account to access a linked account. You can't log in to an account linked to the primary account. You must log in to the primary account and switch to the linked one. You will receive an error message when you try to log in to the linked account. 

To switch between accounts, select the primary account header (with the single-user icon ), and then select the linked account. 

  • The primary account appears at the top and the linked accounts appear underneath
  • The primary account's username appears above the practice group's name

Once you switch to a linked account, a message appears across the top of the page that says you are in a linked account. 

Account headers

Practice group providers

The practice group header (with the multiple-user icon) on the left shows the list of practice group providers.

Primary provider account with linked accounts

Select a linked account from the primary account header (with the single-user icon ).

Logged-in provider account

The header on the right is the account you logged in to.

Actions logged in the Audit Log

The following actions are logged in the Audit Log.

  • When accounts have been linked
  • When you access linked accounts
  • Work done in the linked accounts is logged as done by the linked account user and not by the primary account user