Lab Results Import - Data Migrations

Lab Result data can be imported in bulk for patients with existing records in DrChrono.

If lab results are organized in a spreadsheet format (CSV, XLSX), you may submit the following columns and values to import this data:

Column Header Description Format Required? example values
Last Name Patient Name text Yes Smith
First Name Patient Name text Yes John
Date of Birth Patient DOB date Yes 01/01/1970
Chart ID DrChrono Chart ID text No SMJO000001
Title Name of Lab Test/Result text Yes CBC By Automated Count - RBC
Date Test Performed date Yes 01/01/2023
Doctor Comments Provider's remarks text No Results slightly abnormal. Advised patient on {this date}.
Doctor Signoff Indicates whether results reviewed by provider Boolean No True
Lab Abnormal Flag HL7 code for abnormal results. choice No


(below normal)

Lab Normal Range Range for normal result text No 4.3 - 5.9
Lab Normal Range Units Units of Measure for normal range text No mm3
Lab Result Value Result text No 3.8
Lab Result Value Units Units of measure for result text No mm3
Lab Order Status

Status of Lab Order.

One of:

"", "Order Entered", "Discontinued", "In Progress", "Results Received", "Results Reviewed with Patient", "Paper Order"

choice No Reviewed with Patient
LOINC Code HL7 code for lab test/result text No 58410-2

Note: This article is specific to Lab Result discrete organized via spreadsheet. If your lab results exist as rendered PDF files and you wish to have this data bulk imported, please see "Documents Import",Documents%20Import,-last%20week (add link to document once published).