Reordering procedure and diagnosis codes within the clinical note

Now within the clinical note, you are able to rearrange ICD-10 diagnosis codes, CPT, HCPCS and custom codes in any order you'd like. It's located on the billing tab within the clinical note.

ICD-10 Codes

Hover over the hamburger icons on the left (highlighted in orange), hold with your left mouse button and then drag it to whatever spot you would like. When you release the mouse button, the codes will save automatically and will renumber themselves.

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CPT, HCPCS, and Custom Codes

The CPT, HCPCS, and Custom Code section works the same as the ICD-10 code section. Hover over the hamburger icons on the left (highlighted in orange), hold with your left mouse button and then drag it to whatever spot you would like. When you release the mouse button, the codes will save automatically.

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