How to Bulk Lock Clinical Notes

DrChrono has implemented a feature to save you time by allowing clinical notes to be locked in bulk, instead of individually.

If you would like this feature turned on, please reach out to support.

1. Hover the cursor over the Clinical tab and click on Clinical Notes.


2. Once on the screen, please make necessary selections based on date range, provider, and more.

3. Once the desired selections have been made, please click the Bulk Lock Non-Blank Notes button (blank progress notes/ notes that are labeled "start note", will be excluded).

Screenshot 2024-06-24 at 11.53.37 AM.png

4. Please select which notes, or select all and click the Lock button. (Note: Please be aware this process takes a few minutes to complete).

Screenshot 2024-06-24 at 12.01.41 PM.png

Note: The list of clinical notes for bulking locking is limited to 50 entries. If your total notes for locking are greater than 50 be sure to use steps 3 and 4 on the remaining pages of the unlocked clinical notes.

A confirmation window will appear prompting you to click OK.