eRx Refill Requests

Refill requests sent by pharmacies can be found in your message center (Message_Center_Icon.png) in the upper right corner of your DrChrono account.


Once you open the request, you can review the prescription and approve, replace or deny the refill request.


Note: Height and weight will be included in the prescription to the pharmacy. However, they are not required.


Note: Before sending a prescription, please ensure you have the patient's complete address, date of birth, and gender recorded in the patient's chart.

To approve the request, edit the number of total fills(if needed), add any notes, and click Approve.


To replace with a new medication, select Replace. Enter the prescription information, and select Preview Prescription.


You will be taken to a new page, select Send Prescription to complete the request.


To deny the request, select Deny, enter the Denial Reason (required), and click Deny.


Within the patient's chart, you can view the Renewals & Refill Requests. The status will reflect the Replace or Deny actions. Clicking the envelope icon (Refill_Envelope.png) will take you to the original refill request in the message center.


Pharmacies can also send follow-up refill requests.
