A point of origin code discloses to the payer the source or method of the patient's referral for admission. The point of origin code is similar to a "place of service" code on a professional claim/HCFA-1500 form. To add it to an institutiona...
DrChrono will pull data from a patient’s chart to populate the UB04/HCFA 1450 form. The following is a guide identifying which fields the data will be pulled from.
Box 1 - Billing Provider Name, Street Address, City, State, Zip, Tel...
Occurrence codes and their respective dates disclose the payer-specific event(s) related to the billing period on the UB04. They are located in boxes 31-36 on the UB04. To view and enter them into your patient's...
Each payer or insurance company has its payer ID number to accept electronic claims. It is the electronic address , so the clearinghouse knows which payer/insurance company to send the claim to. Some national payers, such as Aetna (60054), Cig...
The Stripe M2 Card Reader connects to your Apple iOS devices via Bluetooth to process credit card payments. It is compatible with DrChrono Payments and allows for chip, tap and swipe payment functions. The DrChrono Payments feature is availa...