EHI Export: Overview
How long will it take for my practice EHI Export to complete? Practices should plan to allow up to 14 business days to obtain your EHI Export from DrChrono EHR. Time varies based on the number of exports runnin...
If your claim is rejected for Service Unit Count (OR) Anesthesia Minutes , there is a simple and easy fix. Hover over Billing and select Live Claims Feed Search for the patient and select their date of service. Once in the bil...
If you receive the error message on a claim that states "Missing Information: Ordering Provider office: zip code is missing", there is a simple fix. Make sure when entering a referring or ordering provider in the patient's char...
Claim rejections from DrChrono's billing system, the clearinghouse, or the payer will be displayed in your Live Claims Feed (LCF) for review, correction, and resubmission. Here's how to identify them: Hover over Billing and select ...
When you are billing the claims out to the Auto Accident insurance, update the insurance information in the patient's Demographics > Auto Accident section.
This will give you the option to enter all of the applicable information and have t...
If you need to complete an HCFA 1500 form for an Auto Accident Claim, follow the simple steps below: Make sure Auto Accident Insurance information is updated by going into the patient's Clinical Chart > Demographics > Insurances > Auto Acc...
Auto Accident carriers require the state of the accident to appear in box 10B of the HCFA-1500 claim form. You can enter it into the patient's demographics and it will appear in the correct place on the claim. Here is how:
Navigate to Pati...
For no-fault accident claims in New York, the NF3, or Verification of Treatment by Attending Physician or Other Provider of Health Services form is required. This form is built into your DrChrono account and is easily accessible through the pa...
Please note that these instructions pertain to users who have the Carisk Partners (fka iHCFA) integration enabled. If you would like access to the feature, please contact your Account Manager for more information. Navigate to patient demo...