Updated Articles

  1. Customized Follow-up Dates: Reporting

    DrChrono has added functionality to customize claim follow-up dates based on the type of claim, the circumstances around the particular claim, or your office policies. When you request reports on your accounts receivable, you have the option t...
  2. Customized Follow-up Dates: Utilizing within your account

    Using in your Account DrChrono has added a feature that allows you to customize the follow-up date on an individual claim basis. This feature must first be set up for your account by your DrChrono billing administrator. Once enabled, her...
  3. Customized Follow-up Dates: Setting up your account

    Setting up your Account DrChrono has added a feature that will allow you to customize follow-up dates on an individual appointment basis. The standard default of 35 days will remain unless it is updated by an administrator on your account. ...
  4. Good Faith Estimate: What if the patient originally declined but now wants to move forward?

    If the patient originally declined a Good Faith Estimate and now has changed their mind and wants to move forward, DrChrono offers an easy way to recreate the estimate without having to recreate the entire document.   Here's how: Navigate to...
  5. Good Faith Estimate: Can I rename an existing estimate?

    It is possible to rename an estimate if needed. Navigate to the patient's chart, select Patient Cost Estimator , and identify the estimate that you would like to update. Press the three horizontal lines on the right of the screen and s...
  6. Good Faith Estimate: What if I need to add charges after the main service was rendered?

    There may be a time when during providing the service as described in the estimate, additional services/equipment/supplies are needed that were unexpected when the estimate was created. There is an easy way in the DrChrono Patient Cost Estimat...
  7. Good Faith Estimate: Adding/Editing Diagnosis Codes

    The Good Faith Estimate tool within DrChrono will allow you to add up to three (3) diagnosis codes to each estimate. You can enter them by ICD-10 code, or by searching by name in the search box. If you do not have a diagn...
  8. Good Faith Estimate Tool Overview

    To help practices comply with the requirements of the No Surprises Act, a tool has been developed to assist in generating Good Faith Estimates for your patients. Here is how to access and utilize it: Select the patient On the left men...
  9. How do I Stop Receiving Daily Billing Problem Emails?

    When you are using DrChrono billing software, you will receive daily emails letting you know if there is an issue with a submitted claim or have claims that have not been submitted to insurance. These emails are sent daily by defaul...
  10. How to create a Custom Procedure Code

    DrChrono makes it easy to create special custom procedure codes for items or services billed to a patient rather than their insurance.  Hover over the Billing tab and select  New Custom Procedure .  Enter the required details in the fields...